Saturday, May 11, 2013


Welcome to the classroom of a teacher-in-training. This blog will follow my progress through school and into the field of teaching. I look forward to hearing other people's thoughts about public education, private schools, funding, and the like. I want to make sure everyone feels welcome, so don't be afraid to raise your hand if you have a question or a comment. Every so often I will post polls to see what your thoughts are on education in general, ideas for the classroom, my teaching style, etc. Please, do not hesitate to let me know what you really think. I want to be a successful teacher when I graduate, and I know that an important way to achieve that is to keep the lines of communication open. So, that being said, why don't you go ahead and tell me a little bit about yourself. Are you in school right now? What year? Do you have any thoughts about education? Would you be willing to share them in front of the class? I hope to create a repoire with you, so I will say again: do not hesitate to speak up. Your voice is just as important as everybody else's, and I look forward to hearing it. Until then, have good day.

Mr. H.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not in school right now. I have an undergrad degree in professional writing, and hope to pursue a master's in writing and eventually a doctorate, as well.

    I do have thoughts about education. I believe strongly in magnet schools: providing a private school education at a public school price and preparing students for careers in their areas of talent and interest.

    I'm always willing to share my thoughts in front of the class... even when you probably wish I wasn't.

    May I please have the bathroom pass? O:-)

